Friday, September 11, 2015

WOMAN is . . .

Do you ever feel inadequate? Like you just aren’t good enough. Do you ever catch yourself when you look in the mirror saying things like:
  • I am NOT skinny enough!
  • I am NOT pretty enough!
  • I am NOT smart enough!
  • I am NOT likable enough!
  • I am NOT good enough!
Why do we do this? Oh I will tell you why we do this it is because we allow the outside influences to  and change our belief in what WOMAN is.
TV Shows.

All these things work together to help us {WOMEN}  feel inadequate because it reduces WOMAN down to just one thing: Looks. We look at these women and see how much we are not like them and then we automatically assume we are the ones lacking. Did it ever occur to you {because it sure didn’t me} that they may be the ones lacking?

Psalms 31: 30 says “ Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Just because you don’t look a certain way, laugh a certain way, talk a certain way or behave a certain way does not mean that you are not everything to God. God values what is on the inside of your heart and how much you fear the lord. Not how you look or appear on the outside!

WOMAN is so much more than just how she looks.

The Bible says in Psalms 139:14 “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Guess what ladies, that means that God made you just the way you are. God does not make mistakes! God doesn’t need a do over. Every decision God makes he makes it on purpose and for a purpose.

God make YOU on purpose and for a purpose!

Don’t let the world tell you that you are not good enough because to God WOMAN IS A PERFECT CREATION!

~~Shelbie S.~~

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